Post #4: Why do we complain?

Complaining... a.k.a whining? Weren't we all supposed to learn in adolescence that whining got you no where, if not more trouble. Throwing a temper tantrum in the grocery store didn't end with you getting that toy; it usually resulted in a spanking, time out or the threat of getting left at the store. As children, we usually learn fairly early that whining is a lost cause. Fast forward to adulthood, and no one ever describes anyone as a 'whiner', but could it be we have all gave the title a synonym of complainer? Let's go to my dear friend Merriam-Webster dictionary (can you tell how much I like them yet) to look at the definitions of both words. 'Complain' is: - To say or write that you are unhappy, sick, uncomfortable, etc., or that you do not like something - To say (something that expresses annoyance or unhappiness) 'Whine' is defined as: - To complain in an annoying way - To make a high, crying sound - To make a high and unpleasant s...