Do Not Let Any Man Rob You Of Your Worth

You don't have to look far on social media to see uplifting posts about women taking back their power-- being strong, intelligent forces to be reckoned with at all times! 

But in an odd dichotomy, the same sources where we get these positive reinforcements, are the SAME ONES that shoot us in the face with these false narratives of true womanhood:
  • Be educated, but not too smart --- as to intimidate your male counterparts. After all, if you're looking for a black man... studies show the more education you get, the less likely you'll find a black male partner on the same level... or the less likely you'll even get married for that matter. (I mean, the fact that I knew that information in so much detail... as a young adult in college... is sad!
  • Focus on your craft and career, but prepare to willingly give it all up for your future husband and children. (Even if you don't want to)
  • Your husband is the man, and therefore let him lead you anywhere... as you put up with his destructive behavior, even if he doesn't have you or your family's best interest at heart. (Mind you, this statement is for those who use the whole 'follow my husband/leader of my household' mentality but forget the biblical backing that's imperative in order for that to work....  because guess what... your man... IS HUMAN!
  • Always look flawless at all times, but why? It's like there's mixed messages that say appearance is necessary in order to keep a man (when clearly we know that doesn't work), or to get a man (yet we want them to look beyond our appearance somehow), or to make other men attracted to us, despite already having a significant other (and that's all the way confusing), or simply to feel good about ourselves... which would be great if it was genuinely about just that. But most of the time women who go above and beyond to look good are doing so for social media attention or the attention of males in general. So in reality, they're not looking 'good' for themselves at all. 
  • Having a man CHOOSE YOU to marry is the ultimate goal. No matter how much of a bum, liar, abuser, cheater or dog he might be. Even if you ask other women, they'll tell you, 'Oh, we've all been there and done that baby. It's apart of life. All men cheat'
  • If you're a woman over the age of 30, and you're not dating, engaged or married-- then something must be wrong with you.... Or you're simply not wanted

Now listen... I'm a devout Christian, but I also have a potty mouth... so to all of that I say GET ALL THE WAY THE FUCK OUT OF HERE WITH ALL THAT BULLSHIT!!!!

I'm so sick and tired of getting stuck in my feminine feelings (just talk to my journal... she's sick of it! LOL) .... when in reality I'm falling prey to societal expectations of what I should be... 

But here's the twist... society doesn't even know what I should be because look at all the mixed messages I just presented.

And then when we as women muster up the courage to say, 'You know what, I'm me -- not perfect in the slightest- but an evolving creature trying to make it in this beautiful life' ... we sometimes get looked down upon for doing so... and if not looked down upon-- side-eyed or even pitied so-to-speak. And the cycle continues.

So I encourage all women no matter what aspect of life you're in-- no matter the age or relationship status-- to truly see YOUR WORTH... Outside of social media, attention from men, fake friendships, status, career, education, family, etc... see your worth because at the end of the day it's all that matters... 

And I refuse to let no motherfuckin broke down, lost, insecure fuckboy take me off my God-given path!


I normally don't come off so aggressive, and excuse the cursing (to those it might offend), but I'm a multifaceted person...  and sometimes those emotions need to come out. 

I thought this GIF lightened the mood LOL.

Thanks for reading!



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