
Showing posts from 2014

Post #5: FEAR: Get over it!

Combatting FEAR Change is inevitable… Life is about choices… à Truths that most of us comprehend and hold dear to our hearts, but when it comes to making a major decision in life we tend to fall prey to the fear of uncertainty. Despite hours, days, weeks and even months of agonizing and contemplation, we usually choose the easier or more comfortable path, as opposed to the one that consists of risks or possible failure. FEAR—a word I despise with all my being when it comes to bettering your future, and taking a chance at something great. Why does our society make failure seem like this abysmal hell that no one will ever escape? Instead, why don’t we acknowledge that everyone experiences failure or setbacks in life? In fact, the most successful people (by society’s standards) have failed in life. We’ve all heard how Oprah Winfrey was fired at a news station, Bill Gates’ first business failed, Albert Einstein didn’t speak until he was four years

Post #4: Why do we complain?

Complaining... a.k.a whining? Weren't we all supposed to learn in adolescence that whining got you no where, if not more trouble. Throwing a temper tantrum in the grocery store didn't end with you getting that toy; it usually resulted in a spanking, time out or the threat of getting left at the store. As children, we usually learn fairly early that whining is a lost cause. Fast forward to adulthood, and no one ever describes anyone as a 'whiner', but could it be we have all gave the title a synonym of complainer? Let's go to my dear friend Merriam-Webster dictionary (can you tell how much I like them yet) to look at the definitions of both words. 'Complain' is: - To say or write that you are unhappy, sick, uncomfortable, etc., or that you do not like something - To say (something that expresses annoyance or unhappiness) 'Whine' is defined as: - To complain in an annoying way - To make a high, crying sound - To make a high and unpleasant s

Post #3: Watch what you do

Watch What You do Your actions play a vital role in others' lives We often hear of celebrities and athletes being referred to as role models, and how their negative actions have a lasting effect on the young people who look up to them. But, of course, being a role model is bigger than what you see on the television screen. Parents, teachers and complete strangers can be role models, and are usually the greatest examples of such. But what about being a role model to an adult? We don't really hear about it in that terminology, but at the end of the day, we all need them: someone to look up to or seek guidance from. You may refer to such role models as mentors, advisors, counselors, pastors... or dare I say friends and co-workers?   We all show each other what we want to be shown about our lives, and rarely does that view involve negativity or pain. But no one is perfect. We all have struggles we are trying to overcome. People struggling with illnesses, self-hate, drama a

Post #2: The importance of friendships

Friendships It's funny how when you're younger you desperately want to be considered someone's friend or have lots of them: You want to be popular. But then some time during adulthood, it hits you: I don't want that many friends. If I have a few good ones I can rattle off on one hand, then that's more than enough. Why is there such a shift? I think it's because you realize the superficial nature in which a lot of these friendships survive; or you experience a shocking revelation from so-called friends who are no where to be found when you need them most; or when you notice these "friends" don't cheer you on, encourage you, or share joy with you in your success. (Note: Feel free to jam along to my favorite songs about friends as you read. Videos can be found below) While many of us learn this life lesson, some of us don't recognize it as easily. Many people, including myself, tend to look at the years invested in a friendship to justify f

Post #1: Having the courage to go after dreams

Having the courage to go after dreams Your future life starts now! In life, we all have choices to make: decisions that could take our lives into different directions. While that idea may scare many, I think most of us fail to even get to that point of a purpose-driven life. We get stuck in this period of just existing, not realizing the beautiful gift we have sitting in front us: Choices. We can choose to take over our destiny no matter what our current circumstances. But it's obviously not that easy. If it were, we'd all be doing it. So why aren't we 'grabbing the bull by the horns' when it comes to our lives? Fear? Insufficient funds (both literally and figuratively)?  I think the answer lies in us not appreciating the place in life that we're in, and the blessings that surround our situations no matter what the predicament. There's always a silver lining, yet we fail to acknowledge it. To challenge the process and change your life takes courage, s